PIER Journals
PhotonIcs and Electromagnetics Research Symposium, also known as Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium
Featured Plans

PIERS —— A global symposium committed to
advancing photonics and electromagnetics for the benefit of humanity.

Replacing or Accelerating Numerical Solvers with Machine Learning

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Session Infomation


Machine learning has been one of the most popular subjects both in engineering and science in the last decade. In the case of electromagnetics and photonics research, the majority of the applications focused on inverse design, i.e. designing a device that would meet the desired specs. However, machine learning can be very useful for forward problems as well. For example, we can predict the scattering spectrum of nanoparticles or the quality factor of microring resonators with machine learning algorithms.

In this session, we are aiming to bring experts in computational photonics/electromagnetics and machine learning together to share recent developments and discuss transformative ideas to solve the major challenges of this emerging field. 

Submitted Articles

Note: +: Presenting Author, *: Corresponding Author
Presenting Author Talk Time Paper Title | Authors | Abstract Session Date / Room

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