PIER Journals
PhotonIcs and Electromagnetics Research Symposium, also known as Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium
Featured Plans

PIERS —— A global symposium committed to
advancing photonics and electromagnetics for the benefit of humanity.

Scientific Computing and Machine Learning in Subsurface Sensing and Characterization 1 & 2

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Session Infomation

This session welcomes all papers related to numerical modeling, high performance computing, machine learning, and data analytics in oilfield services, geothermal exploration, CO2 sequestration, mining, etc. This session aims at presenting frontier research in the theory, modeling, inversion, interpretation, and especially, machine learning applications for solving multiphysics (e.g., electromagnetic, seismic, acoustic) problems and improving the interpretations of borehole and surface surveys. All research related to underground resources explorations is very welcome: new tool design concept, efficient analytic solutions in complex medium, hybrid numerical modeling method, joint inversion method, meta-heuristic and deterministic inversion method, advanced interpretation, numerical modeling, and inversion based on machine learning method, and so on.

Submitted Articles

Note: +: Presenting Author, *: Corresponding Author
Presenting Author Talk Time Paper Title | Authors | Abstract Session Date / Room

Contact us

Inquiry about paper submission, registration, and program schedule, please email to:
PIERS OFFICE: office@piers.org and/or office@emwave.cn

Usually, inquiry to PIERS OFFICE will be replied within 1-2 working days. If you cannot get reply timely, please keep trying both emails, or change another email account to contact us to avoid the unpredictable email correspondence problem between us.
